YCN Live!
YCN Live!

Tinker collaborated with YCN for their 2008 YCN Live launch event at the Village Underground. We worked on three interactive elements to showcase the work of 90 commended creatives, facilitate connections between artists and guests, and provide a playful takeaway at the end of the night.
Tinker built two lighted kiosks at which visitors could use simple controllers to browse through artwork projected onto the walls of the main space, thus creating a changing, participant-led curation of artwork.
We also developed an RFID-based system that allowed guests to use cards they received with their invitations to 'tag' images and installations that they particularly liked. After the event, guests received email with information about the creatives whose work they had tagged This extended the experience beyond that single night, and facilitated meaningful contact between artists and guests.
The third intervention consisted of 120 helium balloons containing blue LEDs that slowly brightened and faded. When arranged together in an archway, the balloons created a cloud-like effect of changing light. At the end of the night, we gave the individual balloons to guests as they left the building. They were everywhere to be seen in London that evening.
Photo credits: Matt Biddulph